GLE Supports the American Heart Association
Why does GLE “Go Red”?
You may be asking yourself, “What does a precision grinding facility have to do with the American Heart Association?” The simple answer: our employees are our family.
About three years ago, one of our precision machinists began exhibiting heart-attack symptoms while at work. GLE-Precision has historically had the American Heart Association (AHA) perform CPR, First Aid and AED training every two years. One of our first responders utilized his training from the AHA to help recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, and the employee was rushed to the hospital. Under the care of the amazing nurses at Saint Mary’s Ascension, the machinist made a full-recovery. In support of this valued member of the GLE Family, we began donating and attending AHA fundraising dinners.
Read about GLE’s community involvement in the following link: Sustainability – GLE-Precision Sustainable Manufacturing Future

Our support for the American Heart Association has grown deeper
No other volunteer organization in the nation has done more for researching heart disease and stroke than the American Heart Association. The AHA has funded research that has led to the following breakthroughs in cardiovascular health. The article covers the link between dietary fat and cholesterol. Secondly, it discusses the development of the first external defibrillator for cardiac arrest treatment. Also, the development of the first pacemaker implants, and development of the first artificial heart valve are covered. Finally, the article covers development of CPR compression for cardiac arrest treatment, and many more topics. As a business, we understand that we have a responsibility to have a positive impact on the entire world. This is another reason that we donate to some of the most impactful humanitarian organizations in the world.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States
The term “heart disease” can refer to various conditions. The most common being coronary artery disease (CAD), which can ultimately lead to a heart attack. The CDC website stated, “One in four deaths in America is caused by heart disease”. It’s hard to say that statement doesn’t hit close to home with a statistic of one in four. Also known as a “silent killer”, heart disease can go undiagnosed for a long period of time. It might not be until a person experiences signs or symptoms of a heart attack, failure or an arrhythmia. Additionally, preexisting medical conditions and lifestyle choices can put people at a higher risk for heart disease. Some of these include diabetes, excessive alcohol use, inactivity, and an unhealthy diet.

Go Red for Women
This Friday, 2/11/2022, we will be attending the Go Red for Women online Silent Auction organized by the AHA. This event is part of a social movement by the AHA with the goal of increasing women’s heart health awareness and improving the lives of women globally. GLE-Precision will still be actively participating in the event and silent auction.

Learn more about the American Heart Association here: American Heart Association | To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives