GLE-Precision is a Global Supplier of Battery Crimping Dies and Tooling
GLE has been a global battery tooling supplier for decades, supplying battery tooling and dies some of the major battery manufacturers. Whether your material of choice is carbide, ceramic, or steel, we will manufacture to your needs. Most commonly in the battery segment, ceramics and carbides are used for thermal and wear characteristics. Wear rings, draw dies, battery crimping dies, rings, inserts, plungers, clamps, fingers and jaws are a few of the many components GLE currently produces for our battery manufacturing customers. GLE has worked with some of the world’s largest battery manufacturers, helping to solve problems with wear problems and material conductivity. We want to work with you and help you with your battery tooling needs!
Materials for Battery Crimping Dies and Other Tooling
Many battery manufacturers require ceramics for their tooling and die applications because of the insulating properties. Ceramics can undertake very high temperatures, which equates to being a good thermal insulator. When heated, ceramics tent to expand greatly. Many of the battery crimping dies GLE-Precision manufactures are made from ceramic because ceramics are excellent superconductors. A superconductor is a material which conducts electricity from one atom to another without resistance. Superconductors are used to create very powerful electromagnets. This is why ceramic is a great choice of material when developing and manufacturing the battery crimping dies and tooling that make batteries. Contact GLE today and we can help you determine the correct grade of ceramic for your specific battery application.
Battery Crimping Dies During the Pandemic
In March of 2020, GLE-Precision was recognized as a “Critical Supplier” to one of the world’s largest battery producers. In being a “Critical Supplier”, GLE-Precision was able to remain open and fully operational during the Global Pandemic of COVID-19. Not only were battery crimping dies ordered often, but also other critical tooling that is used for manufacturing the batteries for respirators. As new, make-shift hospitals were emerging all over the world, GLE-Precision continued to manufacture the tooling and dies necessary to keep this global battery supplier manufacturing the respirator batteries. The respirators had the option of being powered by batteries when an electrical outlet was not available. In such a time of devastation, GLE-Precision was proud to be labelled a “Critical Supplier” and proud to help with the growing concern of not having power for the respirators.
For decades, GLE has been a global tooling supplier to many of the top battery producers.
Carbide, ceramic, or steel, we will manufacture to your needs. Wear rings, draw dies, crimping dies, rings, inserts, plungers, clamps, fingers and jaws are a few of the many components GLE currently produces.